T.I. is set to executive produce and star in a new police drama at Fox titled, "Atlanta's Most Wanted." Written by Rodney Barnes (The Boondocks), Atlanta’s Most Wanted centers on Marcus Armstrong (Harris). Born in Atlanta to an infamous criminal father, he is recruited to be a part of a new vice squad that tackles the growing criminal elements in his hometown. Marcus’ involvement will jeopardize his own long held secret that threatens to upend his entire life. Barnes and Harris executive produces with JBT’s Bruckheimer, Jonathan Littman and KristieAnne Reid as well as Brian Sher and Rob Hardy. Mitzi Miller serves as co-executive producer, James Oh as producer. “I am honored to partner with Fox and Bruckheimer on what is truly a passion project for me. It’s going to be amazing to see my city represented in this fashion.” said Harris who was born and raised in Atlanta.