The NFL Will Donate $250 Million to Help The Social Injustice Fight

This year we've experience two pandemics, one being the coronavirus and the other was something we've always experience and that's racism, or social injustice. We have protested our butts away and over the past few weeks, we have seen many supports of the black lives matter movement. Several companies have made statements supporting the protests and supporting the fight for social injustice. Last week we heard NFL commissioner Roger Goodell basically apologized for not listening to players talk about things like social injustice. He said the NFL are also supporters and now he is making some positive moves. According to, the NFL is pledging to donate $250 million over a 10 year period to help fight social injustice. So where is the money going to go? It will go towards charities and organizations that are designed to help fight the battle. On top of that, the site also says the league would be willing to work with Colin Kaepernick on social justice initiatives. Let's see if Colin is down for it.

Roger Goodell (Getty)

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