The Tea with Mutha Knows

The Tea with Mutha Knows

Mutha Knows dishes the best celeb gossip and crazy stories each morning on the Tea on the Rise n Grind Morning ShowFull Bio


Michael Ealy Once Wanted To Punch Chris Rock

  • An old interview with Michael Ealy has resurfaced where he talked about wanting to punch Chris Rock in the face. 
  • He spoke about being on the set of "Bad Company" and said, "Chris Rock was a little cold. He was probably at the height of his career at this point, and I idolized him — I had watched all his stuff and thought he was so funny, and I really respected him — but he was just kind of indifferent to me."
  • Ealy said that Chris made a comment to him saying, "Still in the business?" like he was surprised he was still in the industry. 
  • Ealy said, "And mind you, we didn't speak much on set in the first place. For whatever reason, he didn't talk to me much. He was a big star, and I had a small part, and maybe he didn't think I was going to be around much, so he didn't think it was important to be nice to me."
  • He added, "I just stayed professional and did my best, but I was stuck there having to look like I'm happy to be at my friend's wedding when really, at this point, I wanted to punch him in the f—— face. The crying came later. In the moment, I wanted to punch him in the face. That was my Maryland upbringing coming into play where you just fight."

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