The Tea with Mutha Knows

The Tea with Mutha Knows

Mutha Knows dishes the best celeb gossip and crazy stories each morning on the Tea on the Rise n Grind Morning ShowFull Bio


Grandma Who Went To The U.S.For Medical Reasons Ends Up In Beyonce's Album

  • A Nigerian grandmother came to the United States for a medical reason and while staying with friends she ended up on Beyonce’s album. 
  • The grandmother, named by Beyonce’s team “Grandma Moji” was staying with her daughter’s friend whose 7-year-old boy is the star of “Black Is King.” 
  • Folajomi FJ Akinmurele was driven by “Grandma Moji” to work on his craft while his mother was working. It wasn’t until FJ’s mother signed the grandmother up with a talent agency that she was cast for the movie. 
  • "I was out shopping one day and she called me, and asked that I come home immediately. I was scared, you know. That was how I found myself on the way to L.A. that same day for a part in the album,"said the grandmother. You can hear Grandma Moji on "Bigger" and on "Mood" on Beyonce's"The Lion King: The Gift"album.
  • Photo: Getty

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