Porsha Williams is expecting her first child with boyfriend Dennis McKinley. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star announced the exciting news today with a photo on Instagram. “I am happy, healthy…and pregnant!” with the hashtags #Blessed, #BabyMckinley and #DM, which are the initials of her boyfriend Dennis McKinley.“When I found out I was pregnant, I was excited [but] I had mixed feelings. The other feeling that I had beside excitement was fear,” the Real Housewives of Atlanta star, who suffered a miscarriage six years ago, reveals to PEOPLE in an interview for the newest issue, out Friday. “I’ve had a miscarriage before in my past, which I’ve also been open about because I suffer with fibroids and had to have a myomectomy,” continues Williams, 37. “So just the fear of, ‘Is the baby going to be okay? Will I make it full term?’ All those questions that you ask if you’ve had a miscarriage before.”“Going into the first appointment and being able to see baby and hear baby and know that baby is fine, then I can really wrap my mind around actually becoming a mommy,” she explains, sharing that she would be seeing her little one for the first time later on the same day as the interview.
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