According to Deadline, BET’s signature drama series, Being Mary Jane, starring Gabrielle Union, is coming to an end. The network has ordered a two-hour movie, which will serve as a series finale. It will air in 2018. "Being Mary Jane has been a landmark series not only for BET, but for African American women around the world who saw themselves in Mary Jane, her family, friends and coworkers. From the captivating storytelling, to the richly complex characters, to the powerful issues tackled on the series, we remain immensely proud," Connie Orlando, EVP and Head of Programming at BET Networks, said in a statement. "We are grateful to the cast and creators of Being Mary Jane, who have worked tirelessly to bring this world to vivid life over the past 4 seasons. We also thank the many loyal viewers whose hearts and minds were captured every week, and kept Mary Jane trending worldwide. We look forward to closing out Mary Jane's journey with a series finale that is sure to blow fans away!"