NFL vet Ray Lewis gave Colin Kaepernick some advice on Tuesday, just days after officials with the Baltimore Ravens consulted Lewis about signing the free-agent quarterback. In a video posted to his Twitter account, the former Ravens linebacker recommended that Kaepernick keep his headline-making social activism to himself."The football field is our sanctuary," Lewis said. "If you do nothing else, young man, get back on the football field and let your play speak for itself.And what you do off the field, don't let too many people know,because they gonna judge you anyway, no matter what you do, no matter if it's good or bad.""I ain't got nothing against you. I wish you the best in life," Lewis said in his message for Kaepernick. "I hope you chase whatever God got for you to chase. And once again, I applaud what you stood up for,because I'm in the streets every day."