Maxwell has been getting dragged on social media because he tweeted some controversial tweets about Black History Month. Maxwell tweeted that Black History Month should include all races. In a now-deleted tweet, the singer posted a pic of jazz legend, Lena Horne with the caption: “Including everyone in black history month is beneficial to all of us cause not all of us look a typical black…”Soon after, he posted the hashtag “blackblueredwhitebeigehistory,” and another tweet that read “There was a president his mom was white do you recall…?”A Twitter user replied Throwing shade at Maxwell’s record sales: “This is why ya last album went paper clip!” tweeted @GeauxGabby. “Because the ancestors not playing that Kumbaya bullsh%$#! FOH! @_MAXWELL_” Maxwell clapped back and allegedly, he replied in a screenshot of a direct message to the poster, “Check the numbers bi**h.”
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