So, it looks like, most likely, against his will, Future was dragged into the beef between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B. It seems that Cardi B's song "Drip", featuring Migos, was also supposed to feature Future. However, Nicki Minaj caught wind of that, and her being the diva that she is, wasn't having it. She gave Future an ultimatum. She told him that he either removes himself from the song or she would not do the co-headlining NickiHndrxx tour with him. A remix of the song did drop with Future...and NO CARDI! Unfortunately, that was probabaly not the right decision considering the NickiHndrxx tour was cancelled!
None has actually confirmed this, but it's the latest rumor, and believable after what Cardi B said to Nicki Minaj during their infamous #NYFW brawl. Cardi said, "“You’ve threaten other artists in the industry, told them if they work with me you’ll stop f–kin with them.” Do you think that's what Cardi was talking about??!
Photo Credit: Getty Images
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