Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

Listen to Cosmic Kev each weeknight, 7-12midnight on Power 99Full Bio


Deserved: Black Man Awarded $10K After Restaurant Makes Him Pre-Pay

Deserved: Black Man Awarded $10K After Restaurant Makes Him Pre-Pay

It is crazy to see how black people can't do some of the simplest things in life without being ostracized. 

At least this man was awarded as a resulted. 

A 28 year old man says went to celebrate his birthday with a gathering of friends, and his waiter only asked their table to prepay. They were the only group of Black people in the restaurant. The victim, Emile Wickham told CNN that the 2014 incident didn’t sit right with him for an entire year, so he decided to do something about it.


“I still felt skeptical, so then I approached other tables,” Wickham told CNN. No one else he spoke with had been asked to prepay, he said.Wickham filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal. An adjudicator, Esi Codjoe said she found no evidence such a policy to prepay for meals was real.


Earlier this month, it was rule that Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant racially discriminated against the group. The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has now ordered the Toronto restaurant to pay the black customer $10,000 Canadian dollars for racially discriminating against him and his friends. -(Bossip)

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