Whoa: Substitute Teacher Fired After Body Slamming Student On Camera
We have all been in those class rooms where kids give the sub a hard time.
Usually, they are used to it and know how to handle it. However, this guy was the wrong one to test and ended up body slamming the hell out of a student.
A substitute teacher was fired after he body-slammed a middle-school student in a shocking confrontation captured on video.
Mayo Corrales shared the video on Facebook, calling for justice on behalf of her son Jose Escudero, who was thrown to the ground and left with a bruised elbow, shoulder and back, WGHP reported.
School officials called the behavior “unacceptable” and the teacher is no longer working for the Guilford County Schools district in North Carolina.
Escudero told the local news station that the substitute teacher confiscated a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day and threw it in the sink.
When he retrieved the box at the end of class, the substitute teacher tried to grab it from his backpack before gripping his shirt and pinning him against the wall, he said.
The teacher can be seen slamming Escudero to the ground in a brief cell phone video while students scream in the background.
The school district said the teacher is no longer employed, while chief of staff Nora Carr called the behavior “disturbing and unacceptable.”
“We reported the behavior to law enforcement and will no longer employ this person as a substitute teacher or in any other GCS position,” she added. -(Jessica Chia, NY Daily News)