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SMH: Daycare Owner Sent To Jail After Video Leaks Of Her Abusing Children

SMH: Daycare Owner Sent To Jail After Video Leaks Of Her Abusing Children

This is disgusting. 

If you are willing to do this to other people's children who trusted you, there is something deeply wrong. 

The former day care owner who was caught on video hitting a 4-year-old girl has been sentenced to two years in prison.


Lynn Rowe, 59, had pleaded no contest in November to intentional child abuse.


She faced a maximum of three years in prison. Rowe will serve about one year because of a state law that cuts most sentences in half.


She declined to speak with reporters as she was led away in handcuffs Tuesday afternoon.


Officials have said the abuse occurred March 28, 2017, at Lynn’s Learning Center near 114th and Spring Streets.


Rowe was recorded on video hitting the girl in the head, slapping her hands and slamming them onto a desk. The girl’s parents, Allen and Kelley Meyers, were given the video, which was secretly taken by a now-former employee. Judge J Russell Derr decided to show the video in court Tuesday.


“I’m glad that she had to see it because I don’t think she’s seen it,” Kelley Meyers told KMTV. “I’m glad that she has to take responsibility.”


Meyers said she felt for Rowe and her family, but is relieved that Rowe is being held accountable.


“Her going to jail doesn’t account for the fact that she abused our 4-year-old,” Allen Meyers said. “In some respects, yeah, I’m happy with the sentencing, but in another sense, it doesn’t seem enough.”


Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said the girl went through more than the hitting shown on the video. -(Alia Conley,

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