SMH: Special Needs High Schooler Dies After Being Jumped Over His Cell PhoneThis is just sad. A 17 year old special needs student was jumped by his classmates because he refused to hand over his cell phone. Weeks later, he died from his injuries. A 17-year-old boy with special needs has died after three people attacked him in a classroom at Ballou High School earlier this month, police say.Joevon Smith was attacked on Jan. 10 inside a classroom at the Southeast D.C. school, police reports show. He died 19 days later, on Monday, Jan. 29. The cause of his death is still unclear.Before Smith died, he told police he was attacked after he refused to let others use his cellphone.Paul Penniman, a tutor at Ballou, was at the school on Tuesday as students learned what happened.On Jan. 10, attackers hit Smith multiple times in the face and body, a police report says.One of the attackers sprayed him with "perfume," a police report says. Additional information on the substance was not available immediately.Smith was taken to a hospital later that day.Less than three weeks later, he died at Children's National Medical Center, on Monday, Jan. 29.Police are investigating. A medical examiner will determine Smith's cause of death.It's unclear if police or the school have identified the attackers. -(Pat Collins, NBC4)
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