Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

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Really? Man Sells His Car For A Pack Of McDonald's Sauce

Really? Man Sells His Car For A Pack Of McDonald's Sauce

If you really want something, I guess you will go to great lengths to get it.

I just don't know if I've ever seen someone give up so much for so little before.

A man recently gave up a fully functioning car....for a container of sauce from McDonalds. The sauce, however, was extremely limited and rare. But c'mon now, it's still just sauce at the end of the day.

One diehard fan of the popular Adult Swim show "Rick and Morty" traded his Volkswagen for a single packet of McDonald's limited edition Szechuan sauce - echoing a key theme from the show's season three premier last April.The fan, who lives in Michigan, offered to exchange his early 2000s Volkswagen Golf Mk4 with a 23-year-old graphic designer who lives nearby and managed to snag the very rare sauce.The graphic designer, who uses the name Rachel Marie on Facebook, was one of a lucky few to get her hands on the sauce in a recent promotion, and she decided to post it as tradable on the social network's Pin Nation group page - a place where fans of the show trade different "Rick and Morty" themed items."There was actually a large response with some nice pins," Marie told Business Insider. "But if I could get a car, I thought, why not ask?"And snag a car she did. Both sides confirmed the deal even as BI reported that a title exchange between Marie and the other fan didn't happen.The VW-trading fan said that he has another car that just needs some fixing up and that he "just needed me some friggin sauce!""He drove the car over so I know it was running," Marie told HuffPost. "He was a dedicated fan of the show and already had a second car."But the "Rick and Morty" super fan may have scored less of a prize than he thought. On eBay, the special sauce packets are selling for upwards of $400 and McDonald's announced that the sauce would be rereleased in larger capacities this winter. -(Ariel Scotti, NY Daily News)

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