Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

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SMH: Couple Gave Baby Heroin The Day It Was Born

SMH: Couple Gave Baby Heroin The Day It Was Born

Some people have no shame and will do whatever it takes to cover themselves up. 

According to police, a Utah couple admitted to giving their newborn baby heroin to cover up the child's dependency on the drug...

Colby Glen Wilde and Lacey Dawn Christenson, of Elk Ridge, admitted to Utah County deputies that they gave Suboxone to their infant after her birth. The drug, which is known to treat pain as well as addiction to certain narcotics, can mask drug dependency.


The child tested positive for methamphetamine, heroin and morphine, the Utah County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement. Two of Christenson’s sons also tested positive for heroin and morphine.


Investigators said they learned Christenson had been “heavily using heroin and prescription pain medication during her pregnancy.”


Wilde and Christenson admitted to crushing up Suboxone, which police found in their home on June 28, and putting it on the child’s gums in the hospital after her birth on April 9. Nurses, doctors and all other Utah Valley Hospital staff were out of the room at the time, they said.


Wilde and Christenson, 26, were initially arrested on June 26 in connection with a theft at a local Walmart, according to the sheriff’s office.After receiving the cash, authorities say Wilde was approached by store employees. He allegedly fled the store, dropping his daughter twice on his way out. -(NY Daily News)

You can't make this stuff up.

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