Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

Listen to Cosmic Kev each weeknight, 7-12midnight on Power 99Full Bio


Sheesh: Man Gets 3rd Degree Burns After Cop Throws Him On 165 Degree Paveme

Sheesh: Man Gets 3rd Degree Burns After Cop Throws Him On 165 Degree Pavement

Everybody knows how hot the street can get on the hottest days of the year. With that being said, I know this had to be some of the worst pain!

It all happened on June 23, 2017, in a KFC parking lot. The 28-year-old Nelson was having a schizophrenic episode when he began acting erratically inside a KFC restaurant. The video shows him jumping on counters and assaulting restaurant staff. 911 was called and Citrus Heights police officers arrived on scene to find Nelson in the KFC parking lot shirtless. Immediately the officers grabbed Nelson throwing him to the hot parking lot asphalt surface.


Once officers finally recognized that Nelson was being burned by the 167° F asphalt they poured water on him and called paramedics. But, Nelson had already sustained both 2nd and 3rd-degree burns. -(WorldStarHipHop)

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