Teenager Electrocuted To Death While Talking On The Phone In Bathtub
This is just bad luck.
A Texas teenager passed away after she touched her charging cell phone while she was taking a bath. This is something people should learn from! Our younger generation might not know as much as we were taught about electronics and water, especially with phones and other devices that are waterproof.
Madison Coe’s mother and grandmother say she was in the bathtub and either plugged her phone in or simply grabbed her phone that was already plugged in.“There was a burn mark on her hand, the hand that would have grabbed the phone. And that was just very obvious that that’s what had happened,” Coe’s grandmother Donna O’Guinn said.“This is such a tragedy that doesn’t need to happen to anyone else. And we want something good to come out of this as awareness of not using your cell phone in the bathroom as it is plugged in and charging,” O’Guinn said.“It’s overwhelming to realize that there are people that we don’t even know and we’ll probably never even meet that have taken this message and shared it to protect another child or even an adult. We don’t want to lose anybody,” O’Guinn said.“We need to be aware. We need to teach our children that electricity and water do not mix,” O’Guinn said. “She’s just going to be greatly missed by all of us. She has a special place in my heart.” -(Bossip)
You can't be on the phone 100% of the time!