SMH: Man Spends 3 Months In Jail Because Cop Thought Drywall Was Cocaine
Our system is deeply broken, but that's nothing new.
A Florida man's life was ruined after he was wrongly imprisoned for 3 months after a police officer thought drywall was cocaine. He was denied bond and lost his job during his time behind bars.
3 months ago in Florida, Karlos Cashe was pulled over in initially because of his headlights being off. He was later was questioned because a police dog allegedly picked up, “the scent of drugs,” after which cops said they discovered a trace of marijuana and “possible cocaine.” A field test reportedly came back positive, and due to being probation from possible previous weed and cocaine charges, Cashe was denied bond.
After being in jail for 90 days, Karlos was released on Tuesday after the Flordia Department of Law Enforcement determined that there were no controlled substances in his vehicle. What the officer initially believed to be cocaine was actually just drywall dust from his job….m’kay.
Cashe told reporters, “I want them to restore what I lost for those 90 days.” -(Bossip)