Wow: 74 Bodies Of People Trying to Escape Libya Found Washed Ashore Damn, this world is something.There have been terrible things going on in Libya over the last decade that have led a large amount of people to try and escape to better the lives of their families. Yesterday, 74 bodies were found washed ashore in Libya of people who were trying to escape to Italy.
Migrant deaths have risen to record levels on the Libya-to-Italy smuggling route across the Mediterranean Sea. They generally attempt the crossing in flimsy inflatable craft loaded with small amounts of fuel which are intended to get them only as far as European rescue vessels stationed in international waters.Libyan coast guard spokesman Ayoub Gassim said more than 500 migrants were rescued at sea on Friday and Saturday. The migrants’ boats were 5-7 miles from the coast of Libya.Gassim said the coast guard is seeing the smugglers use larger rubber boats in order to pile more migrants into the weak vessels — some taking on as many as 180 people.
Reports are that 180,000 people crossed the Mediterranean Sea and 4,500 are said to have died. -(Bossip via NBC News)