Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

Listen to Cosmic Kev each weeknight, 7-12midnight on Power 99Full Bio


Teachers Caught Talking About Special Needs Students They Would Rape, Kill

Teachers Caught Talking About Special Needs Students They Would Rape, KillAs a professional, there's some things you don't do.We have all heard of the game where you are given choices between 3 people you would marry, have sex with or kill. These teachers took that to a different level, in public nonetheless. obtained a very disturbing video – which shows teachers and administrators from Bangor High School in Bangor, Michigan, having an extremely inappropriate conversation about some Special Needs students.


The video appears to have been recorded at a bar or restaurant by someone at a nearby table. The contents of the full video involve a “game” where school district employees were naming colleagues and underage students and choosing which they would rather marry, murder or have sex with. Any sexual relationship with a student is considered RAPE under Michigan law.


Out of six teachers in attendance, two were seen on video to have “named names” in the game, as well an administrative secretary. -(MediaTakeOut)

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