With this Delta variant strain of COVID-19, the CDC has decided to change their minds, again, in regards to masks. I knew that would happen. I'm almost waiting to see if we will soon be locked back in our homes since people are still getting sick. But what about those vaccinations, right? Well even if you are vaccinated, the CDC is saying people should wear masks indoors in certain places. If you haven't heard, they'd already recommended students, teachers and staff should mask up for the upcoming school year, no matter their vaccination status. The New York Times says the CDC said Americans should resume wearing masks in areas where there are more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents over the previous seven days. The agency said that even vaccinated Americans in areas without surges might consider wearing a mask in public indoor settings if they or someone in their household has an impaired immune system or is at risk for severe disease, or if someone in the household is unvaccinated. If you're still a bit confused about the constant changes, you can always get updates from the CDC.
Photo: Getty Images North America