Cash Out Indicted For Rape & Sex Trafficking

Cash Out has been arrested and indicted for rape and sex trafficking amongst many other serious charges. He has been charged with 13 charges and was indicted along with five other people. The Fulton County DA said, "The most troubling aspect of this case is that women have been victimized and brutalized within our community by people who had a chance to do something else with their lives." The DA continued, "He’s a very talented musical performer. Unfortunately, he didn’t stay in that business, and he branched off to the business that finds him under indictment." Cash Out's IG story said, "Why should you fear mortals who are no more enduring than grass. Have you forgotten the Lord who made you? Who stretched out the heavens and laid the earths foundations? Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you of those who are ready to destroy you? Their fury can no longer touch you. Those who are prisoners will soon be set free and be even more prosperous." If Cash Out is convicted of all the charges, then he could face up to 25 years behind bars.

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