Terrell Owens Walks Away from Bad Car Accident

Please be careful on the roads. Of course we heard of the horrible car accident Tiger Woods had that makes his career questionable, but even though he no longer plays football, Terrell Owens had a bad car accident, too. According to TMZ, TO was able to walk away from a bad wreck that left his car totaled. He posted a photo update showing the totaled vehicles, with his car being crushed in the front. He also showed a photo of himself praying and we understand that. Terrell posted, "I was on my way home but this is.. HOW MY DAY ENDED YESTERDAY and.. HOW MY DAY STARTED TODAY. 🙏🏾 Thankful for no injuries, health and able to see another day. God is Good." He didn't explain what happened, but hopefully everyone involved was able to walk away the way TO did.

Terrell Owens (Getty)

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