Philly Landmarks and Buildings Will Be Guarded During Inauguration

After what happened at Capitol Hill last week, security has beefed up in DC especially with the upcoming inauguration. High fences have been added to the Capitol as well as national troops. There are even Airbnb's that have canceled their bookings and even vendors cannot be around during the inauguration. But DC isn't the only area beefing up it's security and taking precautionary measures. Many other cities are doing the same thing, including Philly. In so many words said don't come with all of that b.s. Philly police will be stationed near historic landmarks and government buildings in the city around Inauguration Day. They will be on-hand to respond to protests and looting, beginning Saturday through President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration Wednesday, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said, according to Philly Metro. Even City officials, during a press briefing stressed the importance of constitutionally-protected free speech while promising serious repercussions for anyone who engages in illegal activity. So once again, please don't be out here in these streets acting crazy.

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