The President Changes His Mind and Says Wear a Mask Because it's Patriotic

If you didn't know if you wanted to vote in November's election, let me tell you one reason, #45. That's all you need to know as you go vote. During the coronavirus pandemic, the president has been flip flopping and basically disagreeing with the scientists about how grim this pandemic is. Scientists says it's bad, the president says it's nothing. Scientists recommend to wear masks to help curve the disease from spreading. There were even issues among states trying to mandate and require masks in public where people can't socially distanced. But during all of the Covid-19 briefings, we could see the Trump Administration change it's tune more than once. You don't even see Dr. Fauci speaking with the president anymore. Let's be honest, they have been bumping heads. Oh but now, the president is telling people to wear a mask. He even said things will get worse before it gets better. But wasn't it that one time, he said the virus was a hoax? According to CNBC, the president urged Americans to wear masks to help contain the outbreak as numbers have increased. He said, "We’re asking everybody that, when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask" adding, "Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact, they have an effect, and we need everything we can get." But he wasn't speaking that tone when the doctors urged people to do so. By the way #45 only wore his mask in public once when he went to visit a hospital in Washington, D.C. Even after his briefing, when he was asked why he talked about wearing a mask then showed up at a hotel with no mask on around people, he claimed he was distanced from people. There was video, you know that wasn't true.

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