A Baltimore Restaurant Apologized to a Mom for Discrimination

This happens far too often. You ever walk into a place and then told you can't get service because of your outfit? That's what one African American mother had to deal with in a Baltimore restaurant. She entered into Atlas Restaurant when she was told her young son didn't have on the proper attire. The little boy had on athletic shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers. But the mom was filming the conversation between herself and the manager, when she noticed a young white kid had on almost the exact athletic wear as her child and got serviced at the restaurant. She kept asking the manager why there was a problem when her son's outfit versus the white kid's. If you watch the video, the manager never gave a good answer because there was no answer. The mother, Marcia Grant, was livid and you would be, too when you're facing discrimination while your child is witnessing it. Well, according to TMZ, the Atlas Restaurant Group were upset at what happened and even though they do have dress codes, it should not have gone down the way it did. Atlas apologized to the family because the family should not have had to deal with the discrimination and kids under 12 accompanied by a parent will no longer have to be subject to a dress code. On top of that, Atlas said the manager has been placed on "indefinite leave."

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