Philly School District Sending Food Aid to Kids in Public School

For Philly parents, there is some relief coming your way soon. Of course with the coronavirus pandemic keeping kids at home for the rest of the academic school year, The School District of Philadelphia is preparing to send food aid to those kids. It's unfortunate that a lot of kids depend on the school lunches and thankfully the school district continued to provide meals during the pandemic, but not the school district will be sending over $350 to kids in Philly public schools. According to The School District of Philadelphia, they will send out the money in food aid for each child enrolled in public school and some charter school who would have otherwise received free or reduced-priced meals if the schools weren't closed. The aid comes from the federal government and is based on the number of days schools were closed. For some, the money will be issued to a Pandemic Benefit Eletronic Transfer Card and if some households already have an EBT card, the money will automatically be added to that. Get more details HERE.

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