If Popeyes doesn't stop! Of course if you know anything about Beyonce, then you know she did an interview years ago and admitted to loving Popeyes fried chicken. Well fast forward, and although her diet has changed, the franchise still loves her. You know Beyonce recently released her Adidas Ivy Park fashion line, but Popeyes wanted in on the action as well. They decided to come out with their own line, inspired by her latest release. And since the colors are quite, similar, why not? Okay, clearly, I am laughing in the inside because anything for a good marketing ploy. And according to Popeyes Twitter, it's not just a fashion line, but their uniforms. What I think is funny is how some of the model poses look so similar to Beyonce's showing off her Ivy Park line. Check out more of Popeyes' fashion line on their site ThatLookFromPopeyes.com
Photo: Getty