According to RhymesWithSnitch, Pastor Thaddeus Matthews whose known as the 'cussing pastor' shared videos of K. Michelle cursing him out at a local seafood place and then vowed to expose her boyfriend's side chick on Instagram Live. K. Michelle accused Pastor Mathews of touching children and having a gay lover. K. Michelle and the cussing pastor has been fussing since last. He put her on blast for being legally evicted from a Memphis mansion, which was damaged after she reportedly was given a court order to vacate the premises. Lord this is too much!!
According to RhymesWithSnitch, Pastor Thaddeus Matthews whose known as the 'cussing pastor' shared video of K. Michelle cursing him out at a local seafood place and then vowed to expose her boyfriend's side chick on Instagram Live. If you listen closely you can hear K. accusing Pastor Mathews of touching children and having a gay lover.