Still Got It: Watch Dame Dash Press Lee Daniels for $2 Million He Borrowed

Still Got It: Watch Dame Dash Press Lee Daniels for $2 Million He Borrowed

For the youngins out there who don't know what Dame Dash was about back in the day, this might explain it. 

Read the article below and watch the video too!!

For those of you who are fans of Dame Dash you’ve likely heard him mention the fact that writer, director, producer Lee Daniels owes him $2 million dollars. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dash and Daniels had settled their legal dispute back in 2015 when both men came to an agreement and dismissed their lawsuit.


Dash loaned Daniels $2 million 2004 for production of The Woodsman, in return Dame was to be paid back with interest in addition to retaining 50% of the rights to the film. Instead of having his investment returned, Dash opted to place Daniels’ debt into another film that again flopped.


Daniels finally got this life right when Precious, The Butler and Empire all became hits. Being that Dame had not been paid back, he sued Lee and demanded profits from each project. Apparently, Lee wasn’t feeling that.


Fast forward to more recently, Dash pulled up on Daniels at what appears to be a concert and THIS happened… -(Bossip)I straight up loaned this dude Lee Daniels @theoriginalbigdaddy 2 million to pay for his dream of being a was the money I was using to fund my movies and stay Indy...he promised I get my money back in months...then he makes precious and goes missing so he doesn’t have to pay me...then then Butler...empire...same shit Why does this dude feel like he doesn’t have to pay me?...why do I have to look crazy to get my money back...or go to court...ask @theoriginalbigdaddy why he doesn’t feel like he has to pay me even though he has it...what type of shit is this.. #paywhatyouowe I’m going to put this whole thing on my ig tv in a few... true definition of a culture vulture...eats off the culture but Robs the culture at the same time... see you back in court Lee your gonna pay me what you owe...pleases everyone ask him way he doesn’t think he has to pay me... (Dame Dash via Instagram)

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