Ciara Says Future Is Missing Scheduled Visits With Their Son

Ciara claimed in court documents that her ex Future has been missing scheduled visits with their three-year-old son. 

Via TMZ:

Ciara blasts her baby daddy in new docs, claiming he’s skipping too many scheduled visits with little Future … who’s now 3 years old. According to the docs, Future no-shows for visits 37 percent of the time, and frequently he does so at the last minute — which screws with her schedule.

She also says when their son goes to Georgia, where Future lives, the child spends most of his time with grandma or great-grandma — instead of Dad — and she rarely gets to FaceTime with her son.

She also says little Future has health issues that have been exasperated by all the cross-country travel. She doesn’t say why that’s Future’s fault, but does say it’s another reason why the travel schedule for their son needs to change.

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