Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev

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Really? Trump Defends Participants In Charlottesville Rally

Really? Trump Defends Participants In Charlottesville Rally

Just when you thought our wack ass president couldn't make his racist thoughts more well known, he does this.

During a press conference earlier today, he had the nerve to defend some of the actions made by white supremacists during the violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. 

President Trump lashed out at the “alt-left” when pressed on his lackluster condemnation of white supremacists after violence in Virginia, doubling down on his idea that there is "blame on both sides."


Trump spoke to reporters at Trump Tower on Tuesday, and reverted back to assertions that the chaos in Charlottesville, which claimed the life of Heather Heyer and two state troopers, was the result of both right-wing and left-wing demonstrators.“What about the alt left that came charging at as you said the alt right. Do they have any semblance of guilt”? he said.“I think there is blame on both sides,” he added later.Trump said that those gathered in Charlottesville were not all white supremacists or neo-Nazis, but focused on opposing the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.


The commander-in-chief was condemned by figures across the political spectrum for his original statement after the death of Heyer, who was run over by neo-Nazi James Fields while counter-protesting the "Unite the Right" rally.


Beyond bashing liberals, Trump also asserted that there were "good people" among the "Unite the Right" members who were being treated unfairly, and offered support for the idea of keeping Confederate monuments. -(NY Daily News)

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