Nick Cannon Mourns Death of His Friend and Seems to Have Dark Thoughts

Well last week seemed to be a tough one for Nick Cannon. He was fired from Viacom for what they called anti-Semitic comments. He didn't want to apologize, but then he sat with some of the Jewish members in his community, then Nick did apologize. While people were standing with Nick for not apologizing for the things he said, some canceled him when he did. He even posted about that, saying he watched his own community turn on him and called him a sell-out. But things got a little heavy when Nick brought up his friend, Ryan Bowers, who died over the weekend. I need someone to check on Nick because he posted some things on his social media, that have you questioning if he's okay from such a heavy week. Nick posted, "After waking up & barely rising from my own dark contemplation of continuing my physical existence on this planet, this powerful warrior actually had the balls to do it." Wait a minute Nick, please don't do anything extreme, because this, too, shall pass. We definitely wish Nick the best and hope he is in a different, or even better space this week.

Nick Cannon (Getty)

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