More Philly Schools Close for Asbestos

This is getting ridiculous. The City of Philadelphia has some cleaning to do, some deep cleaning. Our kids are in danger. There are entirely too many schools in the area that have either been closed or need to be closed, or will be closing to deal with asbestos. There was a group of students, teachers and parents, who went to Harrisburg just this week to demand a resolution and demand healthier schools. I mean think about it, we can't put money into these schools to clean them and make sure those in that school are healthy. Just this week alone, at least 3 schools will be closing at least until Jan. 2 after asbestos was found, according to 6 ABC. Alexander McClure Elementary School will be closed today and Monday as well as Laura H. Carnell Elementary School. Franklin Learning Center was also listed as having discovered asbestos. CBS reported lawmakers said they would push for $125 million in emergency funding to remediate asbestos in their schools. State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler said she would introduce legislation for emergency funding. If it passes, Philadelphia schools will be eligible for $85 million in state grants for repairs. Let's keep our fingers crossed because this is just bad. Aside from schools closing for lack of attendance, or merging with other schools, having to shut down schools for asbestos adds to the frustration.

Kids (Getty)

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